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Qualifications and Requirements

Generally speaking a university degree and a qualification teaching English as a Second Language are acceptable qualifications. We require a commitment of at least one year's service although many teachers extend their commitment and remain on the field for longer, teaching, studying Chinese or serving in other areas of the work.

Teachers are normally placed in teams in order to provide them with the support, care and fellowship that are so important in China. Teachers are also supported by an administration department based in central China with personnel committed to helping you live and work successfully in China.

You do not need to speak Chinese in order to teach as your students will be able to speak basic English. However, your experience will be greatly enriched by studying Chinese and learning about Chinese culture. All workers are, therefore, encouraged to undertake some language study.


'one girl leaned forward and said, "this evening I think I have found the answer" '

'The week before I gave some seasonal lessons, and then on the Saturday evening a group came round to watch a film. It was a great evening and at the end one girl leaned forward and said, 'this evening I think I have found the answer' '
Helen, former overseas teacher

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