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Childcare centres

We first began caring for children abandoned in central China in 1994 and since then have grown to 3 childcare centres and seen over 400 babies adopted. A fourth childcare centre is opening in northwest China. We believe each child was created and born with a purpose and has something special to bring to the world. Our aim is to provide children with a hope and a future in an atmosphere of full of love, light, peace and joy. Most children are eventually adopted overseas into loving families of their own. Many are children with special needs. Some will remain in our care long term.

We are also expanding and taking the work of caring for children in new directions. We place children in loving local foster families who can give individual attention and care beyond that of any institutional setting. We equip and train our own Chinese staff and those from other centres in a wide range of specialised care, early childhood education, rehabilitation and management skills. We provide or access special education programmes suitable to the needs of children in our care who have challenges learning in conventional schools. We are providing support and encouragement for foster families and children living in family style group homes with 'house mothers'.

Through our partner organisation we work in association with the state run welfare system under the jurisdiction of the Chinese city and provincial officials. Over 150 Chinese carers are employed in our childcare centres. Overseas volunteers help in administrative and specialist areas.




Amos was abandoned. Two weeks old he was left at the gates of the welfare centre. He had a cleft lip and palate but was otherwise a healthy little boy. Like the prophet in the Old Testament he came in from the field so we named him Amos.

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