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Drug Rehabilitation Programme

We recognise that each person is an individual and has value and dignity as a human being. Our aim is to help those who have suffered because of addiction whether as an addict or as a family member to recognise their value and take steps to rebuild their lives.

In 2004 a drug rehabilitation programme began in another city in northwest China with the purpose of helping drug addicts to come off using drugs, assist recovering addicts to maintain a drug-free life and help prevent the spread of drug abuse through education about the dangers of drug abuse. As a first step a drop in centre as been established offering individual counselling, group support, life-skills teaching and recreational activities and support on a daily basis. Our vision is for a residential rehabilitation centre so that we can more effectively support those in need.


'Our aim is to help those who have suffered because of addiction ... to recognise their value and take steps to rebuild their lives'

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