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Job Opportunities

We enable Christian men and women to work in China. Opportunities exist long term and short term for Christian professionals, English teachers, language students and support staff with suitable skills and qualifications and experience in a range of fields. Whether you are just setting out in life or can only give a few weeks each year; whether you are considering a career change, recently retired or taking a gap year come and join us. For more information use our web form or contact

People We Need

Cross Cultural Member Care Workers
General Medical Practitioners
Paediatric Nurses
Occupational Therapists
Speech and Language Therapists
Early Childhood Education Specialists
Special Needs Teachers
Administration and Personal Assistants
English Teachers (TEFL)

These are a selection of the opportunities we have. Some are long-term positions requiring bilingual speakers or those willing to first undertake language study. Some are short-term positions not requiring any spoken Chinese. With the exception of English Teachers all the positions are unsalaried and require applicants to raise their own support.

So that we might know how to serve you best we would be grateful if you would complete and submit an enquiry form for the area of work you wish to explore. Applications to our Childcare and Health Care and Community Development programmes may be made at any time of the year. The closing date for teachers, language students and for summer teams is 1st March. Those joining the work will enter into a memorandum of understanding with our partner organisation in China.

Contact us for more information.


Contact us about opportunities

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